By |Published On: July 4, 2024 at 2:20 pm PDT|Last Updated: July 4, 2024 at 2:31 pm PDT|

Scatter with Nonlinear Sigmoidal Curve

If you are a registered user, you can click on the Edit Graph button to open the TechGraph Editor showing the data and settings of this sample chart. You can review and edit the data and settings to learn about the features and capabilities of the application. Shown below are the steps in the Data Table and in the Edit Chart used to create this chart.        

Data Table
  • X Data Type is Number. Numeric values are entered in X Data Column.
  • Graph A is a Scatter graph and it has data that trend like a sigmoidal curve.

      Nonlinear Curve Fitter

  • Click on Curve Fitter on the Edit Data toolbar and select Nonlinear Curve Fit. In the Nonlinear Curve Fit Menu, select the Sigmoidal (#9) box, enter “X” in the X Data Col, “A” in the Y Data Col, “1” in Start Row, and “10” in End Row. Click  Calculate to start the fit calculation.
  • Select the Save tab after the calculation is completed. Select “Y Predict Equation” from the Selection list. Enter “A” in the Destination Col field and click Save. A Sigmoidal equation is generated and saved in the Graph A Equation field in Curves and Error Bars.
Edit Chart      


  • Click on Graph Style option for Graph A. Set the Marker Color, Type, and Size. Select “13-Marker” from the Type list if you wish to suppress markers display with your Sigmoidal curve.
  • Set Legend Placement to “None”.
  • Click on Frame Style/Bkgrd. Check Background On and set Color and Pattern for the frame background.

      Curves and Error Bars

  • Click on Equation entry for Graph A to view the saved Sigmoidal equation from the calculation by the Nonlinear Curve Fitter. Uncheck Show Equation. Enter “3″ in Decimal Places.
  • Click on Equation Style option for Graph A. Set the Equation Color, Line Thickness, and Type.

     X Axis Settings

  • Select “Log” from Scale list.
  • Click on Axis Format. Uncheck Auto Format On. Check Power notation for Log Axes.
  • Enter values in Minimum, Maximum, and Major Div to set the X Axis scale and divisions.

      Y Axis Settings

  •   Enter values in Minimum, Maximum and Major Div to set the Left Y Axis scale and divisions.

     Edit Chart Toolbar Options

  •  Print Chart prints your chart.
  •  Download Image downloads your chart as an SVG(Scalable Vector Graphics) file or image file(PNG, JPEG, TIF, PDF).
  •  Drawing Objects customize your chart with labels, lines, arrows, circles, images, and logos.
 Getting Started: